Application of 3-dimensional scanning using ATOS-Q in the medical field

3D metrology is already being used in medical technology in a variety of applications, it can be used to produce prosthetic body parts that are accurately sized with realistic detail or can also be modeled for illustration.
The following application shows how easily it is possible to digitize a model of the upper body and internal organs. All data was collected in one coordinate system, with great help from ATOS Q.

The internal organs are then removed and each part is individually digitized using the ATOS Q. If the parts are small compared to the selected measurement area of the ATOS, no reference points need to be pasted on the part. The part is placed on the turntable with a reference point attached, helping the camera identify, scan and process.

The body was digitized with ATOS Q mounted on a stand and moved in steps around the part, to ensure accurate capture of all body details. Reference points mounted on the body greatly assist in matching the individual grid data in each scan. This method is suitable for digitizing large objects with high precision. The progress of the scanning process is displayed visually on the screen and thus the complete scanning process becomes simple and fast.
Using GOM INSPECT SUITE software, measured data can be pre-processed and exported in different formats to meet the requirements of each application. With the smart grid feature, the common point of files exported with this software is small capacity, does not require complex or high-end computer configuration.

Next, experts from ZEISS use a b/w CCD camera to digitize, the color in (5) of each individual detail, used for visual differentiation. To be able to display the true color of the digitized object, the object is brought into a room with good lighting conditions and a digital color camera is used for photometric measurements. The ATOS measurement is then performed as usual and finally the color information collected during the optical measurement is projected onto the digitized data. Using this method, the resulting color quality is as sharp and realistic as the actual sample

The colors clearly illustrate the details of this model’s lungs thanks to high-quality “colored polygon mesh” technology.

ScantechVN is an authorized unit in Vietnam providing the best products, services and software in 3D printing and scanning technology from leading brands in the world.

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