Fix 3D printer errors in just 48 hours, is it possible?

Fix 3D printer errors in just 48 hours, is it possible?

Unlike other conventional printers, 3D printers are manufactured with the most advanced and modern technology of the 21st century. 3D printers today provide effective support in industries from dentistry, aesthetics, garments, to manufacturing, military, aviation, aerospace, etc. The technologies and materials used for 3D printers are also very special and have their own characteristics. Therefore, the cost of a 3D printer is not cheap, especially those used for industrial production, up to billions of dong.

The initial investment cost that a business must spend to buy a printer is not the only concern. Because during use, there are many problems that arise that the operator cannot foresee or is not able to handle. Meanwhile, the current 3D printer suppliers in the market in Vietnam are all foreign suppliers, supporting businesses to buy machines to handle and fix arising problems is quite difficult. Especially during the time affected by the recent Covid-19 pandemic, travel between countries is limited, so finding a reputable domestic unit with technology knowledge is the top priority.

Understanding the problems of business customers, SCANTECHVN is proud to be a pioneer in providing the following on-site services:

  • Training, education, technology transfer using 3D printers.
  • Repairing and fixing errors related to 3D printers (Contacting manufacturers directly to ensure providing the best quality service to customers).


****Starting out as a purely technical company, SCANTECHVN is proud to have a team of highly qualified and experienced technicians in the field of 3D printing, pioneering since the 2000s and growing strongly until now.

****As the exclusive representative for 3D printing and scanning brands in Vietnam such as 3D Systems Corporation (USA), Carl Zeiss Corporation (Germany), Artec 3d (Europe), Bigrep (Germany) …, the technical team is constantly trained and considered a mandatory criterion to create the SCANTECHVN brand.

****Working experience and training to operate and repair industrial 3D printers with complex technology and high difficulty such as CJP, MJP, SLA …

****Time to evaluate, troubleshoot and repair printers within 48 – 72 hours.

****Competitive cost.

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