“Car modification mission” in 3D printing and scanning at Scantech Vietnam

Up to now, the question of how 3D printing and scanning technology is applied in the field of Automobiles and Motorcycles has always attracted a lot of attention from a large number of customers. In particular, many customers are curious about whether 3D printing can be used for “car modification” or not?

So what is car modification?

Car modification is the act of affecting cars to change their structure to make the car different from its original form sold on the market. In other words, changing the “structure and features” such as attaching an app or editing parts on the car different from what the manufacturer has pre-installed.

Customers want to “beautify” their cars.

After an unexpected incident, the upper frame of the customer’s car was damaged, he came to Scantech for advice on replacement methods. As car modification in 3d printing and scanning.

Condition of the vehicle before arriving at Scantech

Scantech technicians 3D scan the upper shield frame to get the most accurate measurements, as data for 3D printing.

The scanner used is T-Scan Hawk 2 – the most modern and optimal handheld scanner today.

The digital data is reconstructed on 3D scanning software, Scantech technicians with many years of experience quickly optimized and provided a complete design, making customers extremely satisfied by car modification in 3d printing and scanning.

So how is 3D scanning and printing technology applied in the automobile and motorbike industry?

In summary, the application of 3D scanning and printing technology in the automobile and motorbike industry is extremely diverse. Customers are free to think of ideas and Scantech will play a role in realizing their wishes.

3D scanning reconstructs product data details.

Reconstructs and designs auto and motorbike spare parts.

3D printing of spare parts.

Designs and decorates products as desired.


Address: BT6-30 Ngoai Giao Doan, Xuan Tao Ward, Bac Tu Liem District, HanoiHot.line: 0862170366

Email: contact@scantechvn.com/ kdscantech@gmail.com

Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/scantechvn

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