CMYK 4-color system 3D printing model – CJP Technology


Metal 3D Printing (DMP)

CMYK 4-color 3D printing (CJP)

3D printing of durable materials (SLS)

3D printing of flexible materials, rubber materials, wax materials, transparent materials… (MJP)

3D printing of resin materials (SLA)

3D printing of ABS, PLA, FLEX materials…. (FDM)

Large format FDM 3D printing (1m3) with FDM printer system from Bigrep – Germany

3D Printer?

Scantech Vietnam owns the world’s leading 3D printer lines. Customers will enjoy the highest service benefits from the American 3D Printing system with accuracy up to 16μ. Unlimited designs, materials, and colors allow printing any objects, with 7 3D printing methods and hundreds of different mechanical properties of printing materials to meet all needs of prototyping and 3D printing. helps control design quality, save costs, time, labor and risks before creating mass production molds.

3D Printing cost?

A. Factors to calculate 3D printing unit price

  1. Accuracy level requirements?
  2. Size?
  3. Print time?
  4. Printing materials?
  5. Delivery time?

B. Price:

1. 3D FDM 

  • 40,000 VND/hour of printing + 1,000 VND/g of material (For PLA, ABS materials… from third-party manufacturers: Esun, Porwell…)
  • 40,000 VND/hour of printing + 2,000 VND/g of material (For genuine manufacturer’s PLA, ABS… materials) for absolutely smooth surface quality.

2. Color 3D Printing Technology (CJP) – Metal 3D Printing Technology (DMP) – Solution 3D Printing (MJP – Multi-material) – Large Format FDM 3D Printing (1m3) ➠ Please send email to receive notification best price.

3D Printing Process?

  1. Printing data can be designed from 3D/CAD/Cam software with formats: STL, OBJ, IGES, STEP, PARASOLID… or from 3D Scan data.
  2. Please send files, requirements for accuracy, size, printing materials, etc. Scantech Vietnam will quote a price.
  3. You make a 50% deposit for products with a unit price of over 1,000,000 VND
  4. Before 3D Printing, file data can be edited, patched, smoothed… to optimize 3D printing data
  5. You receive the product at the Company or at the customer’s requested location.

Note: Products larger than the print bed size can be cut into multiple files before printing and then reassembled before handing over the product.

Some 3D printing models by Application Field

  1. Industrial Sector

Field of Art – Architecture – Fashion

3. Field of Jewelry – Dental – Medical



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